PET(4)-05-12 p1b

P-04-332 Local Authority Spending Details over £500

Petition wording

We call upon the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to place a statutory requirement on all local authorities in Wales to publish details of all spending over £500 in the interest of openness and transparency. The details should be published online and in a format accessible to the public with the freedom to re-use the data.

Petition raised by: Jacqui Thompson

Petition first considered by Committee:September 2011

Number of signatures:

Supporting information:
Many English Councils now publish this information on their websites. The information is already available on various internal council databases so would merely need to be collated centrally and in a form suitable for access and in compliance with the Data Protection Act.. Initial costs would be offset by a reduction in the volume of Freedom of Information requests received by Local Authorities concerning spending details.

Please follow the link to access full consultation response: